Praise Report

Well, we got the answer to prayer we wanted to hear. I took Trey to the doctor under the guise of the cold he has. Of course, they told me what to do to help him with that. But, I got the opportunity to ask about his hypothyroidism. They said that his last test said the T4 and TSH levels were normal and there was one other type of T4 that was still abnormal. But, this type of T4 was nothing to really worry about. They said sometimes it can indicate something going on. But, what they are really worried about is the other two indicators. The doctor said he had plenty of horomone in his system to not cause any brain damage. He will be retested October 5th to hopefully confirm the fact that his thyroid is normal. Thank you everybody for your prayers and I hope that you will continue to pray this week until his next test!


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