My Hero…

It was so funny one day…you were sitting there with Trey playing beside you in his jumperoo. You were playing with your beaded necklaces. I don’t know how you knew to do this. But, you went over to Trey, placed one of your necklaces around his neck and said, “My Hero!” I couldn’t believe my ears! What a profound statement coming from a two and a half year old girl! I told your Dad and I think he was maybe just a wincy-bit jealous. That’s ok, though, because we know where Trey got his hero-gene after all! I think Trey will be your hero for many years to come. I know he will watch out after you, as he already does now. There is nothing that you do that his eyes are not focused on watching you. Although he can’t say it, you are probably his hero now. I am thankful to have yet another set of eyes focused on my girl and so proud to have a son who is worthy of hero recognition!

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