Trey Says Da-DaTrey Says Da-Da
I have a much longer clip but I was so excited to hear little Trey say, “Da-Da” tonight. He hasn’t said Ma-Ma yet but with a little practice, I know
More pictures to come…More pictures to come…
But, this is my desktop now. 🙂
5 Months Layout5 Months Layout
Here’s the layout I did for Trey’s 5 Month pictures! What a handsome boy he is!!
My Hero…My Hero…
It was so funny one day…you were sitting there with Trey playing beside you in his jumperoo. You were playing with your beaded necklaces. I don’t know how you knew
Some of my Favorites…Some of my Favorites…
I went and had Trey’s picture made today and it was bittersweet. I just loved being with him and doing my very favorite thing with my kids. But, it made
Rolling OverRolling Over
Trey is rolling over now…both ways. Maybe four days ago, he rolled over from front to back. He did it twice in a row and that is the hardest way
My Favorite PictureMy Favorite Picture
I really had to photoshop some carpet stains out of this picture…but, it was soooooo worth it!!!